Monday, February 23, 2009

Blooms Now Looming

Along with everything else that I'm trying to keep on top of these past few weeks I can't help thinking about the garden chores that will soon be upon me. The garden is certainly not a priority especially with Canada Blooms now looming clearly on the horizon. But instead of getting frustrated by the montage of plant imagery bullying it's way into my head I've come to accept it as part of the creative process.

And aside from the expense involved I don't consider the garden another chore to worry about. I look at it as more of an escape from anything that I might worry about. Working in the garden is definitely the best therapy I've ever found. It covers all the bases. And though it can be demanding on many levels I wouldn't have it any other way.

Today's picture is of the stately Coneflower. It might be a little slow to start but very rewarding once it gets going.

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